Bangalow Public School

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be A Learner

Telephone02 6687 1434

The P&C operates a uniform shop, in the area outside the Canteen, every Monday morning, from 8:45 - 9:30am. 

Parents can now purchase uniform items using FlexiSchools ( Items purchased in this way will be distributed to children's classrooms on the Tuesday.

Alternatively, you may complete a uniform order form and leave it at the school office with payment. The order will be filled on a Tuesday morning and the items left at the office for collection, or distribution to students, by arrangement.

Please see the front office staff if you require assistance.

The uniform shop relies on parent volunteers. Please let us know if you can assist on a Tuesday morning.

Hats can now be purchased from the front office at a cost of $10 each.