Hello from the Bangalow Public School P&C!
We are a voluntary group of parents and carers and we collaborate to:
- Support the school
- Generate new initiatives
- Share information
- Raise funds
- Host community events
- Have fun!
P&C meetings are typically held on the second or third Wednesday of each month. The exact dates are published in the school newsletter. Meetings take place at the school library at 5pm and can also be attended virtually. All parents are very welcome. Please come along and be part of the decision making in your child's school. This is a monthly forum for parents. Membership costs only $2 - please pay at the school office. Please note P&C Meetings are for adults only.
There are lots of ways you can get involved with our school and meet other parents - help in the canteen, cook sausages at our next BBQ, donate cakes for our next bake sale, be a part of working bees, join a sub-committee, volunteer at a sports event, and be part of our major fundraiser, the Pit Stop held each year in May in conjunction with the Billycart Derby.
The current P&C Executive is:
* President - Anna Vinfield
* Vice Presidents - Sally Tulloch and Nell Ozols
* Treasurer - Michael Collins
* Assistant Treasurer - Leah Erickson
* Secretary - Chamindu Haththotuwegama
* Executive member - Emma Smith
We also have the following special roles:
* Canteen coordinator - Selina Downes
* Uniform coordinator - Kylie Bugden
Come along and get involved in the important work our P&C does in supporting our school!